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Principal's Welcome to Blue Mountain High School
Welcome to Blue Mountain High School! We serve approximately 800 students in grades 9-12 from various backgrounds. Blue Mountain High School provides a welcoming environment where students are able to grow socially, emotionally, and academically.
Our staff is truly invested in the success of our students. We proudly offer countless opportunities for our students and work closely with families and community members to ensure that our students achieve at the highest level. I strongly encourage students to become involved in our school, both academically and in extra-curriculars. Your high school experience will be what you make of it!
Parents/Guardians, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. I look forward to getting to know you and your child during their high school years at BMHS.
C. Eric Schaeffer, Principal

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Blue Mountain HighSchool
1076 West Market Street
Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972
Phone: 570-366-0511 / Fax: 570-366-1965
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