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Principal's Welcome to Blue Mountain Elementary East

It is with great excitement that I announce my appointment as the Blue Mountain Elementary East's Building Principal. I am honored to have the opportunity to lead a school with high performing students, extremely dedicated staff and a supportive parent and school community. As a familiar face in this building, I have dedicated 9 years to BMEE in the assistant principal role. With over 20 years in the field of education, I look forward to continuing my role as an instructional leader and promoting a strong school culture. Thank you for your support and flexibility as I navigate through this new role in the district. I look forward to continuing to partner with you to make BMEE the best place to learn, work and Visit! My door is always open. You can continue to reach me via email or telephone using the information listed below.
With Appreciation,
Katie Hubiak
Blue Mountain Elementary East
675 Red Dale Road, Orwigsburg, PA 17961
(570) 366-1065

Time Schedule
Children are not permitted on school grounds prior to 8:10 AM
School - 8:30 AM to 3:10 PM
A note must be submitted to the child's teacher
at the beginning of the school day for
parent/guardian pickup. You may also
contact the school prior to 1:30 PM to
add your child to the list of students being
picked up. Parent drop-off takes place on the side of the building (Kindergarten Doors) ONLY. You MAY NOT drop your children off at the main entrance, as it is reserved for bus drop-off. There is no crossing guard to assist children across the parking lot/entry-way.

Subscribe to Eagle Express
Blue Mountain Elementary East
675 Red Dale Road; Orwigsburg, PA 17961
Phone: 570-366-1065 / Fax: 570-366-1797
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