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Middle School Guidance
Our Guidance Department consists of two (2) counselors: Mrs. Debra Frain and Mrs. Michelle Guers. Students whose last name begins with A through K are assigned to Mrs. Frain and L through Z are assigned to Mrs. Guers.
Summer School
If you need to register for 2019 summer school, please complete the attached registration packet.
Guidance responsibilities include:
Individual counseling for course selection, career goals, academic achievement, and student concerns
Member of SAP Team
Identifying, referring, and monitoring children identified with special needs
Standardized testing for all grades
Peer tutoring
Consultation with parents/guardians
Sixth grade guidance class
Project Career Talent Search
Scheduling of all students
Johns Hopkins Talent search identification
6th Grade – PA State Assessment (Reading and Math)
7th Grade – PA State Assessment (Reading and Math)
8th Grade – PA State Assessment (Reading,Math, Science and Writing)
All 3 grades are given 4sight testing multiple times throughout the year.
Peer Tutors
This program is offered several days a week and provides an opportunity for students to receive academic assistance from other students during ninth (activity) period. The tutors are recommended by their teachers for each subject.
Sixth Grade Guidance Class
Classroom instruction is provided to sixth grade students in the areas of study skills, career awareness, and social skills. It is taught by both the principal and guidance counselors on an alternating marking period basis.
Morning Meetings
These meetings are scheduled at 7:45 AM in order for parents and teachers to share information regarding student academics, behavior, social and emotional concerns.
All major subjects are scheduled individually for each child. Previous academic achievement, teacher recommendation, standardized testing, and prognosis testing are used to determine placement. Scheduling starts at the end of the school year and is completed during the summer.
Johns Hopkins Talent Search
Eligible students are identified in seventh grade to either take the SAT or ACT during the winter of seventh grade.
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