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High School Eligibility Information
PIAA/Blue Mountain School District Eligibility Requirements
The Blue Mountain School District sponsors many athletic teams for students in grades 7 through 12:
Football (7-12)
Wrestling (7-12)
Boys Soccer (7-12)
Swimming/Diving (9-12)
Cross-Country (7-12)
Baseball (9-12)
Girls Volleyball (9-12)
Softball (7-12)
Girls Tennis (9-12)
Track and Field (7-12)
Golf (9-12)
Boys Tennis (9-12)
Boys Basketball (7-12)
Girls Soccer (7-12)
Girls Basketball (7-12)
Blue Mountain High School and Middle School are members of the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA) and therefore, are governed by the rules of that association.
In order to participate in interscholastic athletics, the student must:
be academically eligible.
have a pre-participation physical examination or recertification before each season of participation, all paperwork must be completed, signed and handed to the coach on or before the first day of participation. No student will be allowed to participate until all paperwork is properly completed and signed.
abide by PIAA, Schuylkill County Interscholastic Athletic Association, Berks County Interscholastic Athletic Association, team and school rules and regulations.
realize that participation in interscholastic athletics is a privilege and not a right.
In order to be eligible for interscholastic athletics, a student must have passed four full-credit subjects, or the equivalent. Eligibility shall be cumulative from the beginning of a grading period, shall be reported on a weekly basis, and shall be filed in the Principal’s office. Where a student’s cumulative work from the beginning of the grading period does not as of any Friday meet the standards provided, the student shall be ineligible from the immediately following Sunday through the Saturday immediately following the next Friday as of which the student’s cumulative work from the beginning of the grading period meets the standards provided. A student athlete that does not meet the PIAA standards for participation three times during a season will be removed from further athletic competition for the remainder of the season.
Additionally, a student must have passed at least four full-credit subjects or the equivalent during the previous grading period. In cases where a student’s work does not meet the standard, said student shall be ineligible to participate in interscholastic athletics for at least fifteen (15) school days of the next grading period, beginning on the first day report cards are issued. At the end of the school year, the student’s final credits in the student’s subjects rather than the students’s credits for the last grading period shall be used to determine the student’s eligibility for the next grading period.
There are attendance requirements that may cause a student-athlete to lose eligibility for a daily or seasonal period. In order to participate in a scheduled athletic contest or practice, student-athletes must be in school by 9:30 AM on the day of the contest or practice.
Any student-athlete who is absent from school during a semester for a total of 20 days or more shall not be eligible to participate in any athletic contest until he/she has been in attendance for a total of 60 school days following his/her 20th day of absence.
If a student receives two failing grades in a marking period, in major subjects or the equivalent of, they will be placed on Academic Restriction. Students whose names appear on the restriction list are restricted from all ninth period non-graded activities. They must report to homeroom to work on their academic deficiencies. Students may report to a teacher for work or help with a pass issued by that teacher. Progress will be re-evaluated every three weeks. Students who have improved to the administration’s satisfaction will be released from restriction and have full privileges restored.
PIAA ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS (Important Information, please review)
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